really long time never been kinokuniya shopping..
is busy coz cny...n salon is busy...n busy wit上菜....
i know if i going there i will PK...
coz is lots of book i like to buy..
i like to buy book....
is already many book in my room..
i already trow many old mag n book last cny...
what i found on this visit n hope to buy....

is a bathing ape book..feel that it not new collection..inside this book is
all about they old AD,photo shoot,product...logo..many..


jan lam,candy lo n 李心洁...

ape camo famouse when i at form5.....
every street wear guy must have item...haha....

ferragamo book......
alisa ling ling dulan it haha....

vintage t-shirt..the cover is nice design..i like vintage tee..
coz of work...i wear shirt more than tee...

lenses for will crab this when i get myDSLR...
u wait me...

haha this is the most funny n make me stand there read page by page..
Facebook达人元全手册。。haha stupid...
if u finish read this u will be a pro use facebook...
n it list down many link of fans u can bla....
really it teach u step by step...from status update to upload pic create fans page...
*feel like wan create my own fans page too haha*
is so many too choose....which hair style book i wan to buy....
too many choice...n some is so bad n palia....

so finally this is wat i crab back to my home...
wow after read my mind full of new inspration....
well...u all are wellcome cal for appoiment for a hair cut..
haha....i am full of charge....
and THIS is the wonderful world of lomography...
is free from lomo....ya is total FREE..i get this at page one inside kinokuniya..
fans.iets get 1 n keep for collection....
sleepy...c ya....