wow today another offday for me..wa haha..my bb ring..is a cal from bank.so i have to go bank sign sum document..so i got out early..when i wan to open my door haha drama start:
my little sister:koh koh,can send me to kindergarden?
lj roy:yes,fast..
so when i driving i cal my babi betina..yes i talk phone when i drive
lj roy:babi betina where r u?
babi betina:apa..di office la..mana lagi.
lj roy:emm i wan go bank then after fetch gay kenji..bla bla bla~~
babi betina:ooh..
lj roy:r u hungry? eat d?how about i find u lunch?
babi betina:emm.sure ok geh.but is near la...
lj roy:ok yes~i cumming..i lunch wit u baru i bank..
after i end the phone.u turn left to main road n speed~~suddently..
my sister:koh koh where u going??i am late to school... :(
opps..WTF i totally forget i need fetch my little sister to school hahaha~~
lj roy: haha soli soli..BTW,where is ur school??(opps soli coz i also duno where ur schoo at)
my sister:u u-turn back la..i am late jo lo...:(
lj roy:haha ok ok ok soli~~~
WTF... really cant be a good brother hahaha~~~

*have a woderfull n really danm full lunch wit babi betina*
Miss Yi Yi so much...she so pity la..but i mostly can imagine the situation..haha